Who We Are

The First Multicultural Sorority in the Nation

In 1981, our founding mothers saw the need for a sorority that crossed the societal boundaries of race, religion, culture, and class.  While other Greek organizations are and continue to grow more diverse, our organization foundation is based on diversity and our sisters embrace multicultural ideals and interests; we speak to use our sorority as a vehicle to educate the surrounding campus and community on issues of diversity.

We recognize that diversity is not limited to race, and we are proud to say we have achieved a sisterhood which is quite diverse with respect to not only race, but religious heritage, geographic origin, sexual orientation, socioeconomic class, nationality, political ideology, and even choice of major and career.

Ultimately, multiculturalism is the belief that there is inherent value in discovering, understanding, and appreciating all the ways in which people are different from each other. It is for this reason that we differentiate ourselves, in name and in purpose, from Greek organizations with the word “MUlticultural”.

Our Motto

Mujeres Siempre Unidas

Women Always United

First in the Nation

Our Goals

Academic Excellence

It is our firm belief that knowledge gained through higher education will bring success in our future endeavors.

Unity Amongst All Women

There is strength in numbers, and MSU believes that women are the backbone of society. Through unity comes the strength and power to overcome any obstacles we must face.

University and Community Service

Our organization takes pride in actively participating in the community. Some of our programs include tutoring, study sessions and educational workshops (ex., self-defense, career advice, women’s and race issues and many more).

Stepping & Strolling


Stepping is an important part of America’s artistic cultural heritage. In this rising art form, the body serves as an instrument to create intricate rhythms and sounds through a combination of foot stomps, claps and spoken word. It is based on traditions of African-based communities that use movement, words and sounds to communicate allegiance to a group. Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. is noted as the first multicultural organization to embrace traditions of stepping.


In addition to stepping, strolling is also incorporated into our sisterhood’s culture. Strolling, also known as party walking, is an energized, synchronized dance, typically performed in a line. We have national, regional, and chapter step and stroll teams comprised of talented and dedicated women who want to showcase their enthusiasm for our sorority. These teams represent the organization in both competitions and exhibitions, often placing in the top tier of performances.

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