Definition of Hazing
According to our constitution’s definition of hazing, it is any activity or action which subtly, flagrantly, recklessly, or deliberately demeans, embarrasses, threatens, invites ridicule or draws inappropriate or negative attention to a member, affiliate, and/or group, and/or an attitude which implies one member/affiliate is superior to another or that membership in the group must be earned through personal services or meaningless activities.

Anti-Hazing Acknowledgement
No member of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority Inc. shall encourage, condone, authorize or engage in any conduct defined as a hazing activity hereunder or under any educational institution policy or state law. Hazing activities are defined as:
Any intentional or reckless act, on or off the property of any higher educational institution or sorority premises, which is directed at any other student, that endangers or is reasonably calculated or designed to endanger the mental or physical health or safety of that student, or which induces or coerces a student to endanger such student’s mental or physical health or safety, including but not limited to, subjecting such student to physical discomfort, embarrassment through misuse of personal information, harassment, ridicule, or mocking based on one’s ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, culture, or languages spoken.
All recognized chapters of Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. should give close attention to these guidelines in the planning and execution of the orientation process. Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. insists upon and demands the exercise of good taste in all such activities. To prevent possible physical injury we must take into consideration that many people have physical weaknesses of which sometimes even they are unaware.
Furthermore, alcohol and drug use in conjunction with the orientation process and other procedures within Mu Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. will not be tolerated. Chapters are encouraged to continue to educate themselves on the consequences of alcohol and drug abuse and to establish a moral climate in the sorority that would discourage misuse.
In conclusion, it is important to understand that the sorority, current officers, and university can be held responsible or liable for any damages, claims or actions based upon the conduct of any individuals or groups of individuals purporting to perform any acts in the name of the sorority or purported to be in any way connected with initiation into the sorority. However, in almost all documented hazing cases it was the individuals that committed the offense that were held solely responsible, liable, and subjected to criminal charges based on the official corresponding hazing laws of that state. Thus it is vital to realize that you are responsible and accountable for your own actions. The National Governing Council will investigate any chapter or individual member being accused of hazing. A chapter or individual member found guilty of hazing will be put on probation or suspended in accordance with Article X of the most recent version of the constitution.